Reorder Criteria Fields

ERP Cloud

You can use the Reorder Criteria object specify different reorder criteria for each of your warehouses. Here is a description of the fields on the Reorder Criteria object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; P - Applies to Reorder Point Control only; S - Applies to Safety Stock Control Only.

Field Name   Description
Criteria Name   Name of the reorder criteria record..
Item Master   Item master to which this reorder criteria is associated
ICPClosed R Inventory control point to which the warehouse associated with this reorder criteria belongs.
Warehouse   Warehouse to which this reorder criteria is to be associated.
Condition Code   Condition to which the reorder criteria is to be associated. The values that you can choose from are determined by the condition codes that your administrator has set up on the Codes tab.
Ownership Code   Ownership to which the reorder criteria is to be associated. The values that you can choose from are determined by the ownership codes that your administrator has set up on the Codes tab.
Acquisition * Indicates how the item is to be acquired. For instance by purchasing it, making it or by transferring it from another location.
Safety Stock Control S Indicates whether a minimum level of inventory is to be maintained for the item. When the Safety Stock Level is reached, a supply requisition is generated.

Reorder Point Control or Safety Stock Control must be selected, not both.

Safety Stock Level S The minimum level of stock to be kept when Safety Stock Control is selected.
Reorder Point Control P Indicates that replenishment of the item is to be managed by the Reorder Point Level. When the inventory for the item reaches the level in the Reorder Point Level field, a supply requisition is raised.

Reorder Point Control or Safety Stock Control must be selected, not both.

Reorder Point Level P When Reorder Point Control is selected, determines the level that the inventory must reach before a supply requisition is created.
Fixed Order Quantity   Allows you to set a fixed order quantity for the requisition that is generated as a result of Reorder Point Control or Safety Stock Control.
Maximum Order Qty P Determines the maximum quantity of the supply requisition to be generated when the Reorder Point Level is reached.
Minimum Order Qty P Determines the minimum quantity of the supply requisition to be generated when the Reorder Point Level is reached.